Contact Us

We invite you to contact us at the location closest to you and appreciate the opportunity to serve you as part of the Integrated Financial Strategies family. We’re happy to work with you in person, by phone, or via video call.

Milford, Michigan

1042 North Milford Road, Suite 102
Milford,, MI 48381

P: 248-932-9329

F: 248-932-9345

Email Us

To schedule an appointment with one of our advisors, Mark L. Smith, CFP®, Jason T. Arbetter, CFP®, or Andrew M. Cronk, CFP®, please contact any member of our staff at 248-932-9329 or at their email address listed below. If you prefer, feel free to use the submission form below to contact us with questions or to schedule an appointment.

Lee Sommers - Operations Manager

Cathy Sommers - Registered Office Assistant

Linda Cronk - Receptionist and Administrative Assistant

Kathleen Sommers - Administrative Assistant

Mt. Jefferson Wilderness Area, Central Oregon 

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"The opportunity to speak directly to a human being is essential for proper client service."

~ IFS Philosophy

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